Hi, thanks for booking your trial
Please check your emails for details of booked trial. If you're having trouble locating it contact info@kravmagawest.co.uk
If you can't make it, please contact us and we can reschedule your session.
To get the most out of your session
Please arrive about 20 minutes earlier than the scheduled start time
Wear gym-type clothing such as tracksuit trousers, t-shirt and trainers
Bring some water to drink
If you require medication please ensure that you have it with you and is accessible I.e. inhalers, EpiPen's, insulin, sugary sweets etc.
It's really important that you fill in a brief online health questionnaire prior to your session OTHERWISE YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TRAIN.

Telford - Hadley Learning Community
Enter the car park from Crescent Rd and use the on-site car park if required.
Head to reception main entrance.
Someone from reception will direct you to the sports hall if you need.
If no one is available, head past reception towards the stairs on the left side.
Head upstairs, past the seating area turn right towards the corridor.
Go down the corridor, through the double doors and the sports hall will be on your right.
Instructor Contact: Rich - 07583191120
West Bromwich - Lodge Rd Community Centre
Go through the entrance for Lodge Primary School and park in the on-site car park if required.
Go the through the automatic doors and turn right. The classroom will be at the end of the corridor.
Instructor Contact: Harj - 07939183173
Wolverhampton - Newhampton Arts Centre
Enter the gated entrance for NAC and park in the on-site car park if required.
Off-site parking is available on Dunkley Street.
Head right t for the Studio Block. We will be on the ground floor in Room 1. Access to the Studio Block is secure so if the door is not open please call Harj and he will let you in.
Instructor Contact: Harj - 07939183173