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AMRAP Workout

Harj Sohal

AMRAP stands for "as many reps as possible" or "as many rounds as possible." It's a workout structure frequently used for conditioning that pushes your body to the max within a set period of time (anywhere from 3 minutes to 60 minutes).

Total time is 20 minutes. Aim to complete as many rounds as possible.

Each round consists of -

0.5k bike / run

40 squats

30 sit ups

20 push ups

10 pull ups.

If needed each exercise can be modified. For push ups, do them from knees. As an alternative to pull ups you can substitute body weight rows using a table or use a resistance band if needed, during pull ups with a bar. Work for the full 20 minutes with small breaks which can be taken whenever. The aim is to complete as many rounds as possible. Sets can be broken if you want to do each exercise in sets of 10 but you must complete all reps of each exercise before moving onto the next. This is a great workout to test and track your fitness or to build cardio and only takes 20 minutes.

(credit AC)

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